Case Study

Encompass and Miami Jewish Health: How Values and Culture Improve Outcomes

Author: Encompass Team
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Miami, Florida
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Largest ALF in Florida

Miami Jewish Health is the largest assisted living facility in Florida. The organization provides a wide range of services promoting healthy aging. With an 80-year history, Miami Jewish Health has established a strong culture focused on empathy, compassion, and enrichment. The organization has over 1,200 staff members and serves over 10,00 clients annually across their thirteen-building campus. Encompass was contracted in 2017 to provide facilities management services for their entire system.

The Problem

Prior to partnering with Encompass, Miami Jewish Health contracted its facilities management services with a large, nationwide provider. Though the vendor was national in scope, the organization was providing a poor level of local support. It became apparent that the vendor’s corporate culture and values did not match with those of Miami Jewish Health. The poor culture impacted the vendor’s ability to hire, train, and retain service professionals. Staffing issues began to severely impact quality and quantity of work. Work tickets and daily tasks were not being completed. The vendor also lacked a comprehensive platform to provide accountability and reporting including quality assurance, staffing rates, and other important metrics.

The Solution

Encompass has established a strong corporate culture. The organization is founded and guided by a core set of values: Trust and Respect, Continuous Progress and Improve Lives. Miami Jewish Health recognized our cultural similarities and ability to provide a high level of local engagement and support. We took in almost all of the remaining facilities maintenance professionals, welcoming them to a new environment focused on strong core values. We conducted a thorough analysis, drafted an actionable operations plan, and instituted a quarterly audit focused on saving money on consumables. We also instituted our comprehensive software platform, allowing Miami Jewish Health to track staffing rates, automate workflows, and monitor quality standards across all site locations.

In a short amount of time, our efforts completely turned around the culture for the facilities management professionals at Miami Jewish Health.

The Results

In a short amount of time, our efforts completely turned around the culture for the facilities management professionals at Miami Jewish Health. Within months, we were informed by executive management that there was a noticeable difference in attitude and performance. Through careful analysis and proactive scheduling of routine services, we were able to increase efficiencies and reduce staffing requirements by 41%. The ongoing quarterly audit lead to decreased cost for consumables. Our software platform is now providing actionable insights and measurable performance indicators allowing for a deeper understanding of the organization’s facilities management data.

When a vendor’s culture aligns with its partners, synergies occur to the benefit of employees, customers, and ultimately the surrounding communities. We continue to work together to make a positive impact for Miami Jewish Health. Our shared values and similar culture have made a tremendous impact on employee engagement, morale, and overall quality of work.

End to End Service. Real Results