We just keep getting
Better & better
One Powerful Platform
Our Encompass One facility software platform is constantly evolving. We've developed the industry-leading software solution with all the features and capabilities our customers need to get more done in less time. We've reimagined how facility managers and service professionals approach their work for the better.
Inspect You Facilities From Every Angle
We offer four different types of technology-enabled surveys and inspections in order to provide facility managers an unmatched level of visibility.
Chemical-Free Powerful Cleaning
Our H3O devices transform water into a powerful and chemical-free cleaning agent. H3O is faster working, safer, and stronger than traditional chemical cleaners.
Drone conducted exterior services
Our aerial operations unit uses drones to clean and inspect windows, exteriors, and roofs. We can even integrate H3O to provide a chemical-free and sustainable outdoor cleaning solution.
Introducing Luna
Luna is your friendly AI assistant for facility professionals on the Encompass One Platform. Unlock a streamlined experience that allows you to quickly find, summarize, and analyze your facilities data.
How We Do It
From beta to beyond
Our customers share a problem
Once we notice multiple a customer are struggling with a problem we start dig into why this problem exists. We then start developing potential solutions.
Pick a Partner
We share our potential solutions with our customer for feedback. If they are excited about the solution we partner with them to start a pilot program.
Determine and Measure KPIs
Together we determine the appropriate KPIs to measure pilot program efficacy, reliability, and impact. Over time we optimize and improve the pilot programs while slowly expanding test group size.
Ready for prime time
Once the program is proven effective and reliable we offer this new innovation to our other customers.
September 2024 | Fort Lauderdale, FL
Innovation Summit
Each year we host an invitation-only conference to share, demo, and discuss innovation in the facility space with our customers, partners, and prospects.
Intel & Insights
Case Study
Healthcare and Education Case Study
Our customer is a private research university that is the flagship for its system. The 314 acre campus includes technology and medical labs along with residence halls, cafeterias, athletic fields and grounds. The school consolidated its services with Encompass, achieving considerable savings from economics of scale. By integrating operations into our Encompass One platform, we have delivered unparalleled workticket management and inspection technology. Additionally, we’ve provided the campus with exclusive access to proprietary technology such as H3O, a non-chemical, non-toxic cleaner that exceeds EPA, USDA, WHO and OSHA standards, while cutting chemical costs and physical labor.
Robotics and AI in Facility Services: What Tasks Can Be Automated to Reduce Staffing?
With the rise in the availability of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) in facility services, more and more tasks can be automated. This article will provide insight into what tasks can be automated to reduce staffing, how to streamline tasks that cannot, and what the future could hold for facilities services.
Five Ways to Make Your Facility More Sustainable
Sustainable facility management can be simple. Follow these sustainable retrofit facilities’ design choices to reduce your energy efficiency and reduce your carbon footprint.
New Features
Product Feature Launch - A New and Improved Quality Assurance Tool
Our product vision is to digitally redefine and set the standard for the way B2B facility services are delivered and consumed. The Quality Assurance program is a pillar of that experience, so it's only fitting for us to continually innovate. This launch delivers significant impact to our front line team members, and to our customers.